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Full Package - How to Play Music by Ear - from Beginner to Fluency
Intro to Course (1:46)
Rhythm Lesson 1 - Walk and Count (3:30)
Rhythm Lesson 2 - Keeping walking "and" (1:52)
Rhythm Lesson 3 - walking with a little backbeat (3:50)
Rhythm Lesson 4 - add the right hand (2:59)
Rhythm lesson 5 - Drum Set (2:28)
Rhythm Lesson 6 - Finding the Beats (4:07)
Rhythm Lesson 7 - Thriller (2:30)
Rhythm Lesson 8 - Using Chords to find the beat (6:35)
Rhythm Lesson 9 - fingersnap edition (2:45)
Rhythm Lesson 10- syncopated vocals (2:52)
Rhythm Lesson 11 - Mozarts Groove (2:06)
Rhythm Lesson 12 - Walk, Count and Tap with the music (1:21)
Rhythm Lesson 13 A Thrilling Walk (0:49)
Rhythm Lesson 14 - Pulse vrs. Rhythm (1:33)
Rhythm Lesson 15 - Different Time Signatures (5:04)
Rhythm Lesson 16 - Shake it UP! (5:15)
Melody #1 - What is Pitch (3:12)
Melody #2- Find a note sing a note (3:47)
Melody #3 - How to use a tuner (4:02)
Melody #4 High - Low (1:53)
Melody #5 High - Low test (5:10)
Melody #6 High - Low supplemental (3:23)
Melody #7 - Naming the notes (8:42)
Melody #8 - What is an Octave (3:37)
Melody #9 - High-Low-octave-Same test (4:48)
Melody #10 - First song by ear! (6:48)
Melody #11 - Find two notes (6:54)
Melody #12 - Low - Medium - High - test (6:48)
Melody #13 - Find three notes (7:14)
Melody #14 - Twinke twinke by ear (8:59)
Melody #15 - What is a key (4:46)
Melody #16 - Twinkle Twinkle in other Keys (14:40)
Melody #17 - Mary Had a Little Lamb (7:30)
Melody #18 - Happy Birthday (8:01)
Harmony #1 - What is Harmony (2:39)
Harmony #2 - What is a chord (6:14)
Harmony #3 - The Function of Chords (4:48)
Harmony #4 - Play Twinke with Chords (2:57)
Harmony #5 - Mary had a ... with chords (3:17)
Harmony #6 - Where and When to play the chords (12:05)
Harmony #7 - same chords different song part 1 (6:04)
Harmony #8 - same chords different song Part 2 (7:25)
Harmony #9 - The VI minor chord (5:06)
Harmony #10 - breaking down the 4 chord song (9:48)
Harmony #11 - 4 chord song Medly (1:50)
Harmony #12 - Major - Minor (3:30)
Harmony #13 - test - Major and Minor (4:51)
Harmony #14 - How to find the Key (7:05)
Song Discovery
Song Discovery #1 - Intro (1:52)
Song Discovery #2 - Key and Chords (7:05)
Song Discovery #3 - Chorus Chords (3:16)
Song Discovery #4 - Chorus Melody (6:39)
Song Discovery #5 - Verse and Pre-chorus Melody (5:56)
Song Discovery #6 - Mini Concert (4:53)
Song Discovery #7 - Conclusion (1:54)
Song Discovery #7 - Conclusion
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